We Live For Live Music

A unique non-comercial music venue
with a bar and restaurant


The first autumn concerts and regular quizzes will soon start in our club. All information and links to pre-sales can be found at https://jazztibet.cz/...ram. However, the big news is that this season we will only open the Jazz Tibet Club during our events, one hour before they start - for concerts this will usually be from 7pm, for quizzes from 6pm. There will be no regular restaurant service in our club in the coming months.



However, the possibility of organising your own event at our club remains open, by arrangement, whether it be a private event such as a Christmas party and buffet or perhaps a charity event, SLAM poetry, art school concert or band concert. In these cases, however, we reserve the option to only host cultural events that are in keeping with the character of our club. We have several such events planned for the fall season, many of which will be open to the general public.


So you can look forward not only to the artists, quizzes and interesting events listed below, but also to an updated range of good food and drink available at these events, as has been the case in the past. We look forward to seeing you and seeing you soon!



Show program

Bistro menu

The daily menu is not avalible at the moment.


Regular menu

Our menu reflects the particular season of the year with regards to the available seasonal produce. We always have both well-prepared meat meals as well as tasty lighter vegetarian dishes. Fresh high-quality ingredients are always the key element.



Jazz Tibet Club is a unique venue due to its both spacious and cosy room with a restaurant as well as a stage fully equipped for hosting concerts and other events (discussions, film screenings, theatre productions). The venue can be hired for cultural as well as private events (company events, birthday celebrations or wedding parties) with the option of a live music performance. The team of the Jazz Tibet Club will be happy to cater for your event according to your wishes: from typical Czech cuisine, vegetarian meals to finger-food. We are also able, upon agreement, to cater a small-scale event organized in another venue. Professional technical organization of the potential performance is of course included.



Jazz Tibet Club is a legendary space in Olomouc where a music club meets a bar and a restaurant. This unique venue holds concerts by top-quality bands and musicians from all over the world, united by amazing music and an honest approach to it.

O nás
O nás

Contact us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Main partners

Celoroční činnost Jazz Tibet Clubu probíhá za finanční podpory Statutárního města Olomouce, Olomouckého kraje a Ministerstva kultury ČR.

More partners


If you are interested we will keep you posted with news from Jazz Tibet Club and concert invitations. You can sign up to our newsletter by providing your e-mail address:

  • Jazz Tibet Club

  • Spolek přátel olomouckého jazzu, z. s.
  • Sokolská 48, 772 00 Olomouc
  • IČ: 47657294
  • DIČ: CZ47657294
  • Opening hours:
  • Summer opening hours
  • Jazz Tibet Club is CLOSED in the summer.
    It will open again on 17.9.2024.

© Jazz Tibet Club 2018, by madnest