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Club May 10, 2023 (7:00 PM)

The study focus of EZHZT (Electronic Music Processing and Sound Production) at ZUŠ Žerotín Olomouc is focused on studio work and creative approach to musical works. The purpose is to create one's own musical ideas, record and edit them in a recording studio.

During the concert, EZHZT students will perform a very diverse program: frantic phonk, techno, pop, EDM, as well as soul and jazz. All of this interests the students, and at EZHZT they have the opportunity to invent music. Dj Bleksmit will play for half an hour before the concert and then it's off: phonk parade by GVXN Tobias and his pop set, Mic:hael with EDM, Nikos Quatro - techno ride, jazz-soul trio TAT and Das Muzikers with their cover novelty.


Open Stage is a new programming line, focused on presenting the local music scene and emerging bands and musicians - from student groups to long-standing Olomouc stalwarts. Although the Jazz Tibet Club has been supporting the local scene for nearly thirty years and has hosted countless great concerts by local artists, it has now set itself the goal of focusing on this direction in a more conceptual and focused way, creating an opportunity for a wide range of musicians from Olomouc and the surrounding area to present their work in the comfortable environment of a professionally equipped club and thus contribute to closer networking of the local music community. Preference will be given to authentic original music of all genres that can transfer the joy of playing to the audience and that is suitable for the club.


This event has already taken place.

Ticket sales

Online tickets to our concerts are available through GO OUT and SMS TICKET.
Direct links to online purchase of tickets can be found at individual events.

You can find more info at +420 602 647 350 or

We are sorry but we do not have reservations for concerts – the places in the room are filled first come first serve. We are happy to reserve your tickets for later collection at the bar or at the entrance.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Main partners

Celoroční činnost Jazz Tibet Clubu probíhá za finanční podpory Statutárního města Olomouce, Olomouckého kraje a Ministerstva kultury ČR.

More partners


If you are interested we will keep you posted with news from Jazz Tibet Club and concert invitations. You can sign up to our newsletter by providing your e-mail address:

  • Jazz Tibet Club

  • Spolek přátel olomouckého jazzu, z. s.
  • Sokolská 48, 772 00 Olomouc
  • IČ: 47657294
  • DIČ: CZ47657294
  • Opening hours:
  • Summer opening hours
  • Jazz Tibet Club is CLOSED in the summer.
    It will open again on 17.9.2024.

© Jazz Tibet Club 2018, by madnest